Weddings at St Bartholomew's Church
St Bartholomew’s Church is a beautiful place to have your wedding and it would be our pleasure to have your wedding here.
Here is some information for you to read which answers many Frequently Asked Questions.
To get married here (legally!) we have to show a “qualifying connection”. So you need to show one of the following is true (for either bride or groom):
1) You live in the parish. The parish boundaries are a bit strange and lots of people who think they live in St Bart's parish actually live in another parish. Living in Wednesbury does not guarantee that you live in the parish.
2) You are on the church's electoral roll (a sort of membership list).
3) You have at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least six months.
4) You have regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church [St Bart's] for a period of at least six months.
5) You were baptised at the church.
6) You were prepared for confirmation in the parish.
7) At least one of the bride or groom's parents has lived in the parish for at least six months at any time after the bride or groom were born.
8) At least one of the bride or groom's parents has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least six months at any time after the bride or groom was born.
9) One of your parents or grandparents was married in the parish.
Some people cannot show a qualifying connection – in which case you can gain number 4 by regular attendance for at least six months between booking your wedding and the big day itself. A deposit will confirm the booking. If either of you live outside the parish then please use the website to find out which parish you are in as you will have to arrange to have your Banns of Marriage read in that church. If you want to know what that means then please ask.
The other thing to pay attention to is that if either bride or groom has been previously married and divorced (with the former partner still living) then there is no legal right to get married in the church. We understand that previous relationships can break down. We also want to honour Jesus's teaching about the commitment made in a wedding. We will not conduct weddings if: a) the divorced person has been married more than once previously; b) the current relationship was a contributing factor to the break up of the previous marriage; or c) there are ongoing bitter quarrels with the previous partner and/or any children from that first marriage. If either bride or groom have been previously married then we will need to see (and take a copy of) the Decree Absolute.
The cost of a wedding includes Statutory Fees (compulsory fees set by the Church of England) and Local Fees (eg the cost of having an organist, heating etc). To enquire about booking a wedding, please complete Form (1) on the Contact Us page. To make payments, please go to the Donations and Payments page using the link. Full and final payment for a wedding must be made 4-6 weeks prior to the wedding date.
Planning your Wedding
Once you have booked your wedding with us, please use this link Your Church Wedding for Hymn ideas, Music and other information about your Church of England Wedding.
Here is some information for you to read which answers many Frequently Asked Questions.
To get married here (legally!) we have to show a “qualifying connection”. So you need to show one of the following is true (for either bride or groom):
1) You live in the parish. The parish boundaries are a bit strange and lots of people who think they live in St Bart's parish actually live in another parish. Living in Wednesbury does not guarantee that you live in the parish.
2) You are on the church's electoral roll (a sort of membership list).
3) You have at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least six months.
4) You have regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church [St Bart's] for a period of at least six months.
5) You were baptised at the church.
6) You were prepared for confirmation in the parish.
7) At least one of the bride or groom's parents has lived in the parish for at least six months at any time after the bride or groom were born.
8) At least one of the bride or groom's parents has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least six months at any time after the bride or groom was born.
9) One of your parents or grandparents was married in the parish.
Some people cannot show a qualifying connection – in which case you can gain number 4 by regular attendance for at least six months between booking your wedding and the big day itself. A deposit will confirm the booking. If either of you live outside the parish then please use the website to find out which parish you are in as you will have to arrange to have your Banns of Marriage read in that church. If you want to know what that means then please ask.
The other thing to pay attention to is that if either bride or groom has been previously married and divorced (with the former partner still living) then there is no legal right to get married in the church. We understand that previous relationships can break down. We also want to honour Jesus's teaching about the commitment made in a wedding. We will not conduct weddings if: a) the divorced person has been married more than once previously; b) the current relationship was a contributing factor to the break up of the previous marriage; or c) there are ongoing bitter quarrels with the previous partner and/or any children from that first marriage. If either bride or groom have been previously married then we will need to see (and take a copy of) the Decree Absolute.
The cost of a wedding includes Statutory Fees (compulsory fees set by the Church of England) and Local Fees (eg the cost of having an organist, heating etc). To enquire about booking a wedding, please complete Form (1) on the Contact Us page. To make payments, please go to the Donations and Payments page using the link. Full and final payment for a wedding must be made 4-6 weeks prior to the wedding date.
Planning your Wedding
Once you have booked your wedding with us, please use this link Your Church Wedding for Hymn ideas, Music and other information about your Church of England Wedding.
Thank you to Steve Melia for sending some photos of the wedding of his mum (Jean Baker) and dad (Eric Melia) at our church on 6th July 1957 just before his dad went to Malaya for his National Service. Aren’t they fabulous? Thanks Steve.
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