If you are reading this page it might be because a family or friend has recently died. We are very sorry. As a church we want to pray for you and help you to know the comfort that Jesus brings. At the bottom of this page is a short video which tells you more about that comfort. To find out more general information about Church of England Funerals click here.
Arranging A Funeral If you want to organise a funeral the first step is contact a firm of Funeral Directors. Many of our funeral services are organised by S Webb & Son Ltd but other firms are available. They will find out when the church can be used for a funeral and arrange a time and date that suits you. They will also contact the Vicar to conduct the service.
Memorial Services We hold a Memorial Service a couple of times a year, usually 6 pm on a Sunday evening. This gives an opportunity to come and remember your loved one, to give thanks for their life, to light a candle in their memory and to ask for God's peace.
Light a candle online Click on this link to light a Free Virtual Candle for your loved one.
Are you struggling with bereavement? A useful resource is available on the 'At a Loss' website. Use this link to find out more. It is a useful resource to direct grieving people who need support.
Comfort During Sorrow Jesus had a close friend, Lazarus, who died. As Jesus talked to Lazarus's sisters he spoke words of amazing power, love and comfort. Jesus gives hope in the face of death.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.